Campers love our engaging and fun activities. Our elective model allows kids to spend their time doing what they love, while also exploring new interests. Campers participate in eight electives every session. Our program emphasizes fun, skill building, and creating mini-communities within camp. Kids come to camp for the adventure and fun, and leave with new skills, friends, and confidence.

Choice Time
Campers love our daily choice time. Before lunch we open up the most popular spots at Emerson for campers to have independent play time. During Choice Time campers enjoy free swim, boating, open art, sports tournaments, science competitions, theater, and more! Learn more about this cherished time of day at Emerson.
Special Events
& Evening Programs
Camp traditions are the best traditions. Every summer our campers look forward to these unique and exciting events. Learn more about our special events and evening programs and what makes Emerson such a fun place for kids!