You’re thinking about moving up to overnight summer camp. The activities sound awesome but you’re a little nervous about missing your parents and how it’s all going to work being on your own.
Camp Emerson understands just how you feel. At Camp Emerson we’ve helped 1000’s of kids feel safe and comfortable so they can do everything they dreamed of doing at sleepaway camp. We will be there for you too!
As a 1st Timer at our summer camp we will help you BEFORE and DURING camp…
• Getting to know you
• Getting ready – tips and info
• Keeping an eye on you and always being there when you need us
Here are more information about what to expect from Camp Emerson.
One of the best ways to make you more comfortable with overnight camp is to talk to us. The Camp Director talks to families every day on the phone, skype and in person. They will tell you all about Camp Emerson. Prepare a list of questions if you want. They will explain what your day will be like, how you design your schedule and talk about any concerns you have. There are many ways to “visit” Camp Emerson so you can picture yourself here before it even starts. We want to learn all about you! Tell us your favorite activities, what you like to eat, how you sleep, about your friends - everything. We will ask your parents to help us too. We want you to trust us and share what we need to know about you. This is how we can do our best job picking your bunkmates and setting you up for tons of fun. We make getting ready for camp easy. You’ll get details on: how you pick activities, preparing to say good-bye the first day, what to buy for camp, dealing with homesickness, how mail & phone calls work and lots more. You can ask us questions any time by email or phone. One of the best ways to feel comfortable about summer camp is to meet someone in your group before you start. We’ll connect you with campers who’ve been to Camp Emerson before. They know the in’s and out’s and, once you talk, you will too. You might also like to meet another new camper and know “I’m not the only one”. We are great at matching kids and you’ll feel like you have friends before the summer starts. By the time the 1st day of summer camp rolls around, we know you’ll feel ready (still a little nervous – that’s normal) because you’re prepared and you feel like you know us already. Our core leadership team is directly in touch with families while your child is at Emerson. It is easy to connect with our director team while camp is in session. Families are encouraged to frequent send letters to camp. We also print out emails sent to campers that are delivered with the daily mail. Every day we upload photos for famliies to view and also send out regular updates about camp events, so you can be prepared to converse with your child about the camp experience when the return home. Our staff is simply the best. They are kind, fun people, talented teachers and dedicated to creating a thriving experience for every camper. You can talk to us about anything – just like you would your parents. Dropped your toothbrush? We will get you a new one. Hungry? Let’s get you something to eat. Want to stay up until midnight and eat candy? Sorry… we do have some rules. The Directors at Camp Emerson are known for fixing problems. We are around all the time. You are not bothering us if you want to talk or need a hug. This is an important part of our job. We would love to tell you more about Camp Emerson. Sounds good? Just ask your parents to contact us so we can get to know you and set you up for an Extraordinary Summer!
Talk to Us
Visit Camp
Getting To Know You
Getting Ready
Making Friends Before You Get To Camp
We're In Touch With You
Smiles since Camp Emerson opened 55 years ago!